2024 Risk Management Conference Early Bird Registration is now open!

2024 Risk Management Conference Early Bird Registration is now open!

Early Bird Registration is now open for ARM's 2024 NAD Risk Management Conference – Safekeeping! Please use REGISTER link below to register your team. You will also find general event information, hotel booking, and travel options.


Risk Training Center

Risk Training Center

Risk Training Center

The Risk Training Center is an exciting new way for Adventist Risk Management®, Inc. (ARM) to offer safety and risk management training to employees and volunteers of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Through this online learning environment, we offer customized courses for designed for specific audiences.

Our first two courses are aimed at pastors and safety officers, while a mini-course on communicable disease is available for anyone. All courses are available in both English and Spanish.

These courses are completely free of charge and learners will receive a certificate of completion after they finish each course.

Risk Training Center Courses

  • *NEW* Risk Management for Teachers (Available Now)
  • Risk Management for Pathfinder Leaders (Coming Soon)
  • Risk Management for Pastors
  • Risk Management for Safety Officers
  • Guidance for Outbreaks of Communicable Disease

How to File a Claim

Step 1
Select your insurance product
Step 2
On product page, select the “Claim Forms” tab and download the form for your claim type.
Step 3
Follow form instructions