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2024 Risk Management Conference Early Bird Registration is now open!

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ARM Hosts NAD Presidents for Annual Symposium on Risk Management

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ARM Hosts NAD Presidents for Annual Symposium on Risk Management

ARM Hosts NAD Presidents for Annual Symposium on Risk Management

October 25, 2017

Silver Spring, MD. October 25, 2017—Adventist Risk Management, Inc. (ARM) recently hosted its annual symposium on risk management for presidents of all church organizations located in the North American region of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
The event included an opening presentation from ARM President/CEO Tim Northrop, discussing the responsibility each attendee has in making risk management a priority in their local field. David Fournier, ARM vice president and chief client care officer, updated the progress of the North American Division (NAD) as a whole in completing the 2017 NAD Initiatives. Fournier also announced the five initiatives for the coming year, and explained how each item would help in minimizing risk and increasing safety.   
“I think a really good one…is getting ready for the Chosen Camporee,” said Doug Bing, president of the Washington Conference and first-time attendee. “We have a brand new youth director in our conference so this will be good to help him focus on preparing to send all our kids to the camporee.”
“I find it helpful to understand clearly the five initiatives that ARM is really trying to prioritize so that I can work in cooperation at the local level,” said Ed Wright, president of Georgia-Cumberland Conference. “I come better prepared to my local field when I get this kind of information so that is helpful.”
A presentation from Bob Burrow, ARM vice president and chief legal officer, discussed legal issues and trends the attendees need to address as leaders, and how to better protect church members.
“This issue is real for all of us,” said Wright. “The takeaway from me was not that we must completely separate from these things but we need to be more intentional. We need to make sure we are documenting and setting clear parameters in place, that our executive committees are fully aware and walking with us whatever the issue might be. That will protect us in the long run.”
The event ended with a Q&A Panel, allowing attendees to ask any questions of the three speakers. Many were able to voice their questions on issues such as background checks, training for volunteers, how to best communicate risk management issues with pastors, and even Ascend to Wholeness, the health care plan for Seventh-day Adventist Church employees and their families within the United States.
“It’s a great reminder of the things we need to be focused on,” said Sandra Roberts, president of Southeastern California Conference. “As leaders, we need to be voicing [these risk management principles] and focusing on our churches and our schools.”
Adventist Risk Management®, Inc. (ARM) is the risk management and insurance company of the Seventh-day Adventist® Church. We provide risk management services and insurance product solutions to assist the Adventist Church in eliminating oversights that can lead to costly accidents. ARM has its corporate headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland, and satellite offices in St. Albans, England and Brasilia, Brazil.
Please contact Wilona Karimabadi at 240-338-0154 for more information.

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