Pathfinders and Adventurers are unique ministries of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that make an incredible impact on its young people. These ministries also involve a significant amount of risk. Club leaders and staff need to prioritize safety in all club activities.<br />
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Because club ministries are about mentoring children and youth, ARM has developed resources that actually teach young people about the basics of safety. This is done in the context of the club ministry environment, but the principles also apply to other areas of life.<br />
Children and youth represent one of the greatest assets of the Adventist Church. Keeping them safe should be one of the highest priorities for our ministries.
Having the right people on your team can help protect the vulnerable populations in your church. Finding the right people starts with screening staff and volunteers.
A communicable disease epidemic can significantly impact your ministry. Discover strategies for mitigating the spread of disease and maintaining effective ministry.
If part of your ministry includes travel, even across town, you face risks that can have life-changing effects for those traveling with you and for their families.