Cybersecurity is just as important for churches and schools as it is for major corporations. Any vulnerability in your network, software, or hardware—or from users—can be an invitation to criminals. A regular review of your procedures and systems is critical to protect against cyberattacks.<br />
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Cyberattacks are costly to recover from and can represent a major disruption to your ministry while the attack is being dealt with. There is also the reputational damage that can occur if the attack compromises the data of members or students.<br />
You may not want to believe that fraud can happen in the church, but it does. Protect your ministry’s resources against fraud by developing strong financial policies.
Adventist ministries face a number of liabilities and threats hiding in plain sight every day. Being able to identify and address these threats can help reduce risk.
Protecting your church or school property from crime and theft is the foundation of any risk management plan. Failure to protect your property can be costly.
Communication can either advance our mission or cause harm to the reputation of our ministry. How your ministry communicates, especially during a crisis, is critical.
Is your ministry prepared to face an emergency? Having a plan in place before an emergency strikes can be one of the best ways to successfully navigate a crisis.