2024 Risk Management Conference Early Bird Registration is now open!

2024 Risk Management Conference Early Bird Registration is now open!

Early Bird Registration is now open for ARM's 2024 NAD Risk Management Conference – Safekeeping! Please use REGISTER link below to register your team. You will also find general event information, hotel booking, and travel options.


Solutions Newsletter

Safety Resources > Solutions Newsletter
July 22, 2019

School Security Best Practices

Although the school year has not yet begun for many, it’s time to begin preparing for the start of classes and school trips. Organizing your school and ensuring the safety of...

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April 30, 2019

Financial Risk Management: The Basics

When it comes to ministry finances, two crucial elements should always be considered: adequate internal controls and trained individuals.

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April 15, 2019

Guidelines for Running a Day Camp

Many schools, camps, and churches plan and create day camps for local communities to enjoy and attend. Day camps offer an excellent opportunity for the local community to learn abo...

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April 02, 2019

Preparing Your Ministry for Severe Weather

Natural disasters and severe weather conditions can occur at any time during the year. Whether it is a flood, hurricane/typhoon or tornado/cyclone—severe weather conditions m...

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March 05, 2019

Why Connecting with Local First Responders Matters

In an emergency situation, first responders such as fire, police, or medical personnel are often first on the scene to help resolve the emergency and keep everyone safe. But did yo...

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February 19, 2019

Preparing Your Church for Emergency Drills

Emergency drills help ensure the safety of our congregations. During a drill, church members practice the best actions to take to be as secure as possible and protect themselves an...

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February 05, 2019

Ladder Safety

During the past five years (from October 2013 to October 2018), the world church has incurred over $600,000 in claims due to accidents involving the use of ladders. Injuries and ev...

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January 21, 2019

Getting Started with Emergency Planning

Does your church have an emergency plan? When was the last time the plan was updated? Does the plan address any potential risks, emergencies or natural disasters your ministry may ...

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January 08, 2019

Are Your Facilities Ready for the New Year?

It’s the start of a new year. A time where many set goals and determine a plan of action to achieve those goals. Perhaps your ministry is also setting goals for what it will ...

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December 24, 2018

Building the Right Fence: Protecting Our Children

Any leader who works with children knows that safety protocols are that much more important in ministries or events involving children. We must often be even more cautious and aler...

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How to File a Claim

Step 1
Select your insurance product
Step 2
On product page, select the “Claim Forms” tab and download the form for your claim type.
Step 3
Follow form instructions