Although it may be hard to believe, the year 2016 is quickly coming to a close. Over the course of the year, you have seen many great articles from Solutions, with topics ranging from wildfires to active shooter situations, and even how to handle the Pokémon phenomenon that captured global attention.
Your Top 2016 Solutions, Based on Website Views:
It Can Happen to You:There have been over 35,000 gun violence incidents within 2016 alone. Incidents in schools and businesses represent 7 out of 10 active shootings according to a report published by CNN. Violence in the workplace—both gun-related and other kinds—is a sad reality in the world today. It’s time to ensure we know what to do when faced with violence on the job.
Top 5 Winter-Related Claims:
What happens when you realize that your toilet at home is clogged up or when you get out of your car and the driveway is iced over and slippery? Regardless of the issue, you take the initiative and address the problem immediately. Do you care as much about your church? Learn ways to avoid the top claims that affect local churches.
The Community Service Crisis:
A few months ago, I agreed to volunteer with a school’s community service outing. But in the week leading up to the event, I only received vague answers each time I asked for specifics. Providing crucial safety information can help your ministry avoid accidents. Whether you are the volunteering organization or the organization hosting the volunteers, here are several items you should consider to prevent a community service event crisis.
3 DIY’s to Prepare Your Facilities for Winter:
As the year winds down and the holidays approach, everything seems to speed up. Suddenly there’s no time left to take care of important projects, even daily tasks! But ignoring your seasonal maintenance tasks can be dangerous for your ministry’s facilities. Here are three Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Seasonal Maintenance tasks to help protect your facilities before winter weather arrives.
Why Hackers Will Target Your School:
Schools collect all types of student data, including attendance, contact information, and medical history. Cybercriminals are well aware of this and will attack organizations such as schools to gain access to personal information. Learn what kind of proactive measures your local school should take to thwart hackers.
The Human Firewall:
Computer hackers don’t want to create unnecessary work for themselves. When choosing a target, they will often seek the soft, or “easy” one. The term “The Human Firewall” is more than just IT jargon. An organization’s employees play a crucial part in how we protect our systems, our data, our clients, our business partners, and our members. How can an organization protect itself? Start with each employee. Here’s how you can train them to become part of your organization’s human firewall.
What Should Be Next?
The purpose of Solutions is to help your ministry tackle the risks before they appear. Is there a risk your ministry has faced that you haven’t seen addressed in Solutions? We want to know!Email your ideas for Solutions here and your topic may appear in a future article.
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