Technological advancements are giving ministries unprecedented capabilities. They are also leading to increased cybersecurity risks, threatening operations, finances, and reputatio...
At Adventist Risk Management, Inc. (ARM), we want to connect you the latest information and tools to prevent and manage these threats.
Risk management begins with awareness, and awareness with knowledge. A culture of risk management in any group consists of people who share the knowledge that we live in a world in...
Risk management culture begins and ends with awareness. You can begin by getting in the loop with ARM's free Safety Resources and Risk Training Center.
Adventist Risk Management, Inc. (ARM) understands that for many people, formal education continues beyond the high school level. Across the world, dedicated faculty, staff, and adm...
Throughout the United States and Canada, Seventh-day Adventist universities and colleges enroll nearly 23,000 undergraduate and graduate students each year.i Students are the futur...
Sophia Nicholl’s relationship to disability awareness started in a London hospital in 1996. Shortly after her son’s birth, he was diagnosed with Peters anomaly, a scarr...
We’ve all witnessed thunderstorms. Aside from what Hollywood shows us of tornadoes, it’s difficult to imagine a darkening, green-tinted sky and the roar of a rotating c...
The frequency of mass shootings—especially church shootings—has left many congregations unnerved. At Adventist Risk Management, Inc., we want to make sure churches have...
Information technology has helped Adventist ministries overcome barriers of time and distance at lightning speed. We’re truly connected, allowing us to better advance our mis...