A Google search of the term “safety committee!” produces more than 86,000,000 results. These include everything from the role of the committee to its structure and ho...
By the time he arrives home from work, Brad Woodruff has already had his daily workout and a shower. “Some days all in one if it’s raining,” Woodruff sai...
“Posts!” At the desperate command everyone scrambles. Ellen rushes to steady the china cabinet while Mrs. Banks holds back a slew of picture frames. “10, 9&helli...
As a child growing up, one of my heroes was cowboy singer Rex Allen. He was also an actor and voice behind more than 80 Disney films. I still clearly recall a day in the early sixt...
Nothing can tear apart a church like an allegation of child sexual abuse by an adult with one of the children in your congregation. The pastor and church leaders are immediately fa...
William Benjamin made a visionary proposal to denominational leaders at the 1935 General Conference Annual Council. “The church should establish its own insurance company in ...
You are ready for your trip, but is your smartphone? What about your laptop or tablet? Traveling can put your electronic devices in compromising situations. So much person...
“Mommy, Mommy! What happened?” Cracks slithered away from the baseball-sized hole in the double-paned window, but this was not caused by a baseball. “Someone tri...
Janice looks down at her keyboard and cringes. John is telling another joke. Everyone in the office always laughs and thinks John’s jokes are funny, but they make Janice feel...
It was a beautiful sunny Sabbath afternoon as Pastor Smith returned home from worship services in his two-church district. Following the second service, the hospitality commi...