Summertime is my favorite season of the year. There’s nothing like being able to spend all day outdoors in the sun, with a cloudless sky and an occasional breeze. Summertime ...
[Originally published in April/June 2016 issue of Elder's Digest, a quarterly resource for local church leaders] Tragedy is a fact of life. In the past year, terrorist bo...
"Dear Mom and Dad, It's the last week of camp and I'm so sad! I can't believe it's over already! During lunch yesterday, we got to make our o...
“Dear Mom and Dad, It’s week 3! I can’t believe camp is almost over. Do I have to go home?!? This week I got to go out on the water with Sharon....
Dear Mom and Dad, Week two at camp has been so much fun! We got to do all kinds of fun stuff! In archery, our activity leader kept falling asleep so we would all wait until she s...
"Dear Mom and Dad, My cabin counselor said we should all write our parents every week, so here is my first letter. First week at camp has been awesome! I’ve already lea...
I’ll never forget the first time I injured myself practicing a sport. I was in fifth grade and a member of my elementary school’s gymnastics team. Practice was almost d...
Priscilla was her name. A beautiful, young girl who everyone thought odd because she would hide under layers and layers of clothing. She wore three pairs of socks, two pairs of jea...
By participating in Safety Sabbath we will have safer church environments, emergency plans in place, crisis response teams put together, and a continued pursuit of safety...
Raise your hand if you’ve ever used your cell phone while driving. (Even if you didn’t raise your hand, we’re all probably guilty of two or three instances.) &nb...