2024 Risk Management Conference Early Bird Registration is now open!

2024 Risk Management Conference Early Bird Registration is now open!

Early Bird Registration is now open for ARM's 2024 NAD Risk Management Conference – Safekeeping! Please use REGISTER link below to register your team. You will also find general event information, hotel booking, and travel options.


Solutions Newsletter

Safety Resources > Solutions Newsletter
April 06, 2020

Protect Your Zoom Meetings from Being Hijacked

Do you find yourself spending a lot more time these days on video conference calls? So do Internet hackers. With much of the world under some form of stay-at home order or lockdown...

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April 01, 2020

Church Streaming Liability

In Mark 16:15, the Bible says that after He was resurrected, Jesus met with his disciples. He commissioned them to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creatio...

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March 18, 2020

10 Tips for Planning Your First Missing Child Drill

Familiar settings make it easy to let down our guard and ignore or miss altogether the warning signs of possible unsafe situations. Parents may not supervise their children in a ch...

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March 04, 2020

Protecting Children is Focus of 5th Annual Safety Sabbath

A child is missing at your church! How long will it take to know that child is missing, report the missing child, and start a missing child response? Do you have a missing child re...

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March 02, 2020

Information Regarding COVID19

With the continued spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 causing concern around the world, Adventist Risk Management, Inc. (ARM) is committed to providing relevant information f...

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February 19, 2020

Should You Offer Free Wi-Fi at Church?

In today’s connected world, they say a true friend is defined by someone who comes to your house, and their phone automatically connects to your Wi-Fi. Despite the humor of t...

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February 05, 2020

Travel Safety - Before You Go

If you travel frequently, you know there are different risks when you are away from your home or community. Not only are there risks you wouldn’t have otherwise, but the supp...

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January 22, 2020

Safeguarding the Church's Finances in 3 Easy Steps

“I never thought it would happen to our church.” Too often, these words are spoken after a church experiences financial loss. A financial loss can happen at any time a...

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December 25, 2019

The Ministry of the Safety Officer

The safety officer is a crucial leader in the ministry of risk management. This vital role may often be overlooked. But, the safety officer’s top priority is to keep the mini...

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December 11, 2019

Planning for Repairs and Replacements

My church would really like to have new pews. Many of them look very worn. Some may have broken supports in the seat (which is hidden by the fabric of the cushion). It is not cheap...

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How to File a Claim

Step 1
Select your insurance product
Step 2
On product page, select the “Claim Forms” tab and download the form for your claim type.
Step 3
Follow form instructions