2024 Risk Management Conference Early Bird Registration is now open!

2024 Risk Management Conference Early Bird Registration is now open!

Early Bird Registration is now open for ARM's 2024 NAD Risk Management Conference – Safekeeping! Please use REGISTER link below to register your team. You will also find general event information, hotel booking, and travel options.


Solutions Newsletter

Safety Resources > Solutions Newsletter
September 17, 2018

Fire Safety for Your Ministry

Most of us have participated in a fire safety drill at least once in our lives, whether it was at school, work, or church. Participating in or conducting just one drill will not pr...

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September 03, 2018

Fiduciary Liabilities

Every ministry encounters handling money at some point throughout the year. Whether it is church offerings, Pathfinder club dues, fundraisers, or special programs, each instance re...

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How to File a Claim

Step 1
Select your insurance product
Step 2
On product page, select the “Claim Forms” tab and download the form for your claim type.
Step 3
Follow form instructions