Child protection involves many moving parts. A comprehensive child protection plan will ensure all the necessary safeguards are in place so they can focus on mission.
- Access and explore our Child Protection safety resource page.
- Appoint a safety officer and create a safety committee fit and trained to address child protection issues.
- Begin developing a Child Protection Plan, addressing the four P’s: Premises review, Personnel administration, Protecting children, Program review. Evaluate this plan twice a year.
- Secure entrances and exits, monitoring arrival and departure of children with sign in and sign out controls. Ensure adequate lighting, visual panels, and monitor restroom use.
- After a six-month waiting period, thoroughly vet all adult staff members and volunteers with an interview, references, and background checks.
- Establish Youth Supervision Guidelines, ensuring two-adult rule, increasing supervision based on environmental hazards, skill level of staff or children, and risk level.
- Train staff on child abuse prevention, body safety practices, and reporting laws. Adopt a zero-tolerance policy if a violation of the code of conduct.
- Adopt an anti-bullying policy and train staff and students on the cycle of prevention: identify, stop, mediate, alert, and educate.
- Print and help create a safe learning environment with our School Safety Kit.