2024 Risk Management Conference Early Bird Registration is now open!

2024 Risk Management Conference Early Bird Registration is now open!

Early Bird Registration is now open for ARM's 2024 NAD Risk Management Conference – Safekeeping! Please use REGISTER link below to register your team. You will also find general event information, hotel booking, and travel options.

Communicable Disease
As we&rsquo;ve recently seen, communicable diseases can quickly spread through communities, creating a public health situation. As responsible members of the community, it is important for us to understand how we can help reduce the spread of these diseases.<br /> <br /> In addition to the public health concerns, communicable diseases can disrupt the effectiveness of our ministry and create changes to how our churches and schools operate. Being prepared to quickly adapt how we do ministry can help us stay effective during these moments of uncertainty.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Downloadable Infosheets
What to do if you are sick with coronavirus disease - CDC
Communication Plan for Schools - ARM

Solution Articles

Webinars And Videos
Returning to the Classroom: A Discussion on Reopening Schools
This webinar will feature individuals from Adventist Risk Management, an attorney from the Office of General Counsel and leaders from the North American Division Office of Education to discuss issues and questions that we have been hearing specifically from the field.
Returning to the Classroom: Facility Cleaning Programs
Discover the changes in cleaning and disinfection protocols that facilities should embrace going forward, including disinfection requirements and frequency of service. The information in this free webinar is developed and presented by Facility Engineering Associates, a leading engineering consulting firm, in partnership with Adventist Risk Management, Inc. (ARM).
Returning to the Classroom: Operations & Maintenance Program
Learn how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we should deal with facilities maintenance issues, such as indoor environmental control systems, water and wastewater systems, power systems, and pest management. The information in this free webinar is developed and presented by Facility Engineering Associates, a leading engineering consulting firm, in partnership with Adventist Risk Management, Inc. (ARM).
Returning to the Classroom: Long-Term Facilities Planning
Explore some of the expected long-term changes that organizations need to be aware of and planning for. This includes health and safety considerations, space planning, and proper communication with constituents. The information in this free webinar is developed and presented by Facility Engineering Associates, a leading engineering consulting firm, in partnership with Adventist Risk Management, Inc. (ARM).
4 Steps to Reopening Churches (in Spanish)
Join Adventist Risk Management, Inc. for this webinar to learn valuable strategies for providing a safe environment for worship once we are allowed to return to a physical church building. This webinar will be presented in Spanish.
4 Steps to Reopening Churches
Join Adventist Risk Management, Inc. and the North American Division for this free webinar to learn valuable strategies for providing a safe environment for worship once we are allowed to return to a physical church building. Learn more at AdventistRisk.org/COVID19

Additional Links

Related Topics

How to File a Claim

Step 1
Select your insurance product
Step 2
On product page, select the “Claim Forms” tab and download the form for your claim type.
Step 3
Follow form instructions