Annually church and school boards approve a budget for the upcoming year. One area that tends to be left out of financial planning is property maintenance. When preparing a budget ...
Because no one knows when an emergency will occur, it becomes critical to plan for the various emergencies that could happen. Preparing for them through a careful process and then ...
What would you do if a loved one, a student, a co-worker, or a fellow parishioner trusted you enough to tell you they have been abused? While there is no rigid formula or standard ...
Many conversations about security for churches in my experience are hampered by a narrow focus or bias. To take a practical approach to improve our congregations’ safety, we ...
When I was in high school, one of the hardest classes for me was Spanish. I would skip open recreation time to study and memorize the various spelling and pronunciation rules. Stil...
Researchers from Colorado State University predict an above-average Atlantic hurricane season during 2020. Their team forecasts 20 named storms, which is eight more than the averag...
The topic of crisis management, and particularly communication during a crisis, is an essential discussion that many organizations often overlook. It’s easy to think your org...
In part one of this two-part series, you were introduced to Gencon Insurance Company of Vermont (GICV). Today, I want to share with you a more about Adventist Risk Management, Inc....
Maintaining the roof on your church or school is an important part of being a good steward of church assets entrusted to you as a church employee or ministry leader.
As financial stewards, we must be cautious of the resources entrusted to us in our church ministries and how they are used. This includes taking steps to prevent fraud and embezzle...