A local church safety officer plays a very important role in the well-being of your church. They are a crucial leader in the ministry of risk management and a tremendous asset to a...
Field trips. What a great experience during the school year. Children get to step outside the classroom to see something new and learn about the world around them. Although fun for...
Over the past several weeks, heavy thunderstorms rolled through the area, bringing significant rainfall. Deacon Jones thought it would be a good time to go and check on the church....
Summer is a time to enjoy longer days and warmer temperatures. While this summer weather is perfect for family vacations and picnics in the park, it’s also a recipe for life-...
When you read the words Vacation Bible School (VBS), what images pop into your head? Is it the growing love for Jesus in each child’s face? Perhaps it’s your memories a...
Until you’ve participated in a church “work bee,” you may not appreciate all the hard work, dedication, sacrifice, and commitment it takes to maintain a thriving ...
In Part 1 of this article, we looked at the fundamental concepts of what risk management is and some key risk management issues pastors should manage in a church’s minis...
It is true of many professions that there can be a surprising difference between what you study in school to prepare for your profession and what you actually need to know once you...
For three years, each Sabbath, the church members watched the red line on the fundraising “thermometer” grow closer and closer to the goal. One day, as they entered the...
We recognize the continuing and rapid digitization of information around us today. Regardless of who is responsible for data security, the common belief is that it is only a matter...