In an emergency situation, first responders such as fire, police, or medical personnel are often first on the scene to help resolve the emergency and keep everyone safe. But did yo...
Emergency drills help ensure the safety of our congregations. During a drill, church members practice the best actions to take to be as secure as possible and protect themselves an...
During the past five years (from October 2013 to October 2018), the world church has incurred over $600,000 in claims due to accidents involving the use of ladders. Injuries and ev...
Does your church have an emergency plan? When was the last time the plan was updated? Does the plan address any potential risks, emergencies or natural disasters your ministry may ...
It’s the start of a new year. A time where many set goals and determine a plan of action to achieve those goals. Perhaps your ministry is also setting goals for what it will ...
Any leader who works with children knows that safety protocols are that much more important in ministries or events involving children. We must often be even more cautious and aler...
Some kids are born risk managers. These are children who pay attention and follow the rules. But others are not natural risk managers. These are the kids who may wear t-shirts that...
Most of us have participated in a fire safety drill at least once in our lives, whether it was at school, work, or church. Participating in or conducting just one drill will not pr...
“Children are the future of the church.” Many of us have heard this phrase time and time again, and with good reason. On their pathway to adulthood, children will often...
Every 10 seconds a child abuse incident is reported in North America as stated by Childhelp, a nonprofit dedicated to helping victims of child abuse and neglect. As a parent of a t...