We’ve all witnessed thunderstorms. Aside from what Hollywood shows us of tornadoes, it’s difficult to imagine a darkening, green-tinted sky and the roar of a rotating c...
Here is a list of best practices from your account executives as well as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA):1
The frequency of mass shootings—especially church shootings—has left many congregations unnerved. At Adventist Risk Management, Inc., we want to make sure churches have...
Churches are spaces where we are invited to come as we are. The apostle Paul reminds us to “welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” Howev...
Information technology has helped Adventist ministries overcome barriers of time and distance at lightning speed. We’re truly connected, allowing us to better advance our mis...
Phishing attacks — where cybercriminals disguise themselves as trustworthy sources to steal sensitive information — are a growing concern for organizations, churches, s...
If you were to receive an urgent appeal for donations from you pastor, would you send money? A Gallup poll from 2021 stated 36% of U.S. adults believe the ethical standards of reli...
This time of year, many people start looking at how the upcoming year will be different. Perhaps they will pursue something they always wanted, achieve a goal that has long been ou...
The year 2023 showed growth from the investment markets and resolutions of significant claims. Only one major storm struck the United States mainland and the damage it caused was m...
Imagine one of your volunteers arrives at the school early Monday morning to prepare for the school lunch program. As she moves a milk crate on the floor, a jet of liquid shoots ou...